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Showing posts from January, 2011

Good and Bad

Good: I received good feedback from the "Groovy Guitars" pants buyer! They said the pants are so cute and they recommend them! Yay! Hopefully this leads to more sales. Here is a pair I just listed: Bad: I spent yesterday working on a pair of girl pants with a ruffle on the bottom instead of a cuff. It took a little while to remember how to do a ruffle. It actually looks cute, I'm just not happy. And, I used the last of my favorite apple fabric :( Cute, right? I will finish them later. They are just not sell worthy right now. The ruffle seems too heavy, like it would be uncomfortable. I am sure I will come back to this pair....  Coming soon: Vintage Feedsack baby pants! -*Miss Emma* 

First Sale

I had my first Etsy sale yesterday! Of course, it was the "Groovy Guitars" pair that I love. The pants are in the mail. I truly hope that the buyer in NY enjoys them! Hopefully I have many more sales to come. Don't worry, I listed another pair of these cuties. (But I'm saving the rest of the fabric for personal use.) -*Miss Emma* 

Open for Business!!

Last night I opened my Etsy shop! Now, go buy baby pants :) I am trying different backgrounds for the pictures. What do you think? Also, I am not sure the descriptions are descriptive enough.... Would you feel comfortable buying from me based on the description? Look at the pair I just listed: Adorable! I might actually like these more than the elephants! Visit me: -*Miss Emma*

Opening shop!!

I'm busy working to get my Etsy shop open, hoping to have items listed this weekend. I still need an avatar and banner for the shop page. Oh yeah, and I need to finish a few more pairs of pants to sell. I'm focusing on pants for boys. There seems to be an abundance of handmade little girls outfits. Still loving the Urban Circus prints! I'll let you know when I am up and running! -*Miss Emma*