I have always been against e-readers. I love nothing more than holding a book and turning the pages. Not to mention the smell of fresh ink on paper. But, recently I have realized that I own way too many books! I am bad about borrowing from the library, partly because Barnes and Noble is my favorite store. I just can't help but buy books. In order to conserve space and my sanity I decided to get an Amazon Kindle, and so far I love it! I know you can't see in the picture, but I also got a bright pink case that has a light in it. I plan on selling lots of books at our garage sale this weekend so that I don't feel so overwhelmed by the number of books I have. Luckily my parents are nice and realize that having an end of the summer birthday is no fun. I like to get my presents at the beginning of the summer so that I have time to enjoy them! So, thanks mom and dad for the Kindle!! I love it. Right now I am reading Little Women and playing "Every Word" (an addicting w...