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Showing posts from June, 2011

Giving in

I have always been against e-readers. I love nothing more than holding a book and turning the pages. Not to mention the smell of fresh ink on paper. But, recently I have realized that I own way too many books! I am bad about borrowing from the library, partly because Barnes and Noble is my favorite store. I just can't help but buy books. In order to conserve space and my sanity I decided to get an Amazon Kindle, and so far I love it! I know you can't see in the picture, but I also got a bright pink case that has a light in it. I plan on selling lots of books at our garage sale this weekend so that I don't feel so overwhelmed by the number of books I have. Luckily my parents are nice and realize that having an end of the summer birthday is no fun. I like to get my presents at the beginning of the summer so that I have time to enjoy them! So, thanks mom and dad for the Kindle!! I love it. Right now I am reading Little Women  and playing "Every Word" (an addicting w...

Getting ready for Hazel

I am done working for the summer! Now I am focusing on getting ready for Hazel! We pretty much have everything ready. I just need to finish making some things, like the quilt! My mom ordered these adorable booties and sun hat from Etsy. Hazel's side of the room is almost ready. I am working on some paintings to hang above the banner. I hope they turn out cute! -*Miss Emma*

Baby Shower!

Here is a baby shower picture dump.... pay attention to all of the details! The mix of vintage, elephants, and girly colors was perfect! Thanks mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa for everything! 32 weeks pregnant! game table The cooler is full of individual scoops of Graeter's ice cream! Grandma thought I needed an was a shower after all! Sooo many gifts. Thanks everyone! Pictures of the "nursery" in progress will be up later this week! Only 3 more days of work before summer break! -*Miss Emma*