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I'm currently in the process of making lots of baby pants. I still haven't decided what I am going to do with them. I'm thinking of taking the completed ones to Fritzy Jacobs in Worthington to see if they will sell them. If not, I may just use Facebook to sell them. I don't think I want to take special orders, because with orders come deadlines. I like to work at my own pace! And, if I get bored of them I can just stop. I'm sure all of the little ones in my life will be getting pants for Christmas! Speaking of Christmas, what should I make for everyone this year?! Should I make everyone the same thing like I did last year. Most of the bloggers I follow already have growing Christmas piles. I need to get a move on, I think. Also, I need to decide if I am going to make a cat to enter in the Sew to Speak contest this year. I think I want to make a little Sadie :) Back to work! (I already wasted 2 hours crying my eyes out while watching "Dear John")
-*Miss Emma*
