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Earth Day Celebration

Every year at CAS we have a parent social. An event for the parents to come see what the kids do at CAS. They get to do activities together and we provide food! I was in charge of the food.....I went around town asking for donations. Only a few places said yes, and at the last minute Chipotle called to donate 50 burritos! Special thanks go out to the Clintonville Chipotle, Graceland Subway, La Chatelaine Worthington, P.K. O'Ryans, and Lennonheads Salon and Spa. I could not have provided such a great spread without you!
Our theme this year was Earth Day. We made all of the decorations out of recycled materials. Our plates, forks, and cups were all compostable. We really tried to be environmentally friendly!

Here is my food station. We set it up to look like a farmers market stand. My favorite part was the plastic bag flower/pompom garland!

The other project I was in charge of was the "Eco Kitchen." The idea came from Family Fun magazine. We used boxes, colorful "duck" tape, and recycled bottle lids. It turned out so cute. We have a snack cabinet, dishwasher, sink, stove/oven, and a refrigerator. We also made a cute sign out of water bottle caps!

Rolled newspaper letters spell out "Earth Day" and paper mache globes decorate the room.

Decorated, recycled juice containers and fresh flowers make the tables pop!

We had 3 stations: Clean Air, Clean Water, and Clean Land. Each station had it's own coordinating decorations/kids projects and an activity for the parents and kids to do together!
The event was so much fun, but so much work! I think that all of our families really enjoyed it, and that's what matters!
I'm making red velvet cupcakes for Easter tomorrow. I need to get baking!
-*Miss Emma*
