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The Past Month

Hello! Sorry for the absence, but I have been busy in the last month!
-The end of the school year
-One week of summer
-2 days in the hospital trying to stop pre term labor
-Father's Day: Hazel Annika was born!!! (5 1/2 weeks early)

-She spent 4 days in the NICU

-We have spent the last 3 weeks getting used to having a baby around!

Reality Check: Having a baby is hard work! The first week at home was really rough....both physically and emotionally. We are finally settling in to our new life. But, I don't think I could love more than I love my daughter. I wouldn't trade my new life for anything. I honestly don't know what else to say....this has been a crazy and rewarding experience.....

We love everything about her and can't stop taking pictures of her funny faces!
I like to call her Hazel the Hiccup Queen. She gets the hiccups ALL of the time.

More to come soon!
-*Miss Emma*
